First-Time Camper Discount!
This applies to all first-time campers to Bay Shore Camp.
You will receive $50 off of the regular price of camp.
Primary and Teddy Bear Campers are eligible for a $25 off first-time camper discount due to those being 3-Day Camps.

Bring-a-Friend Discount!
If you are a returning camper and INVITE A FRIEND to attend Bay Shore for the first time, you get $50 off. If you wanted, you could invite 5 friend and you would receive $250 off your camp fee!

Family Friendly Discounts!
“Family” is defined as: Immediate Family members living in the same household.
First child that comes from a family will pay the regular price for the camp.
Second child from that family will receive $20 off of the regular price of camp.
Third child (plus any more from the same family) receive $30 off of the regular price.
* The same level of discounts are available for a child that wants to attend multiple sessions of camps.
First camp would be regular price.
Second camp would be $20 off the regular price.
Third camp and all following would be $30 off the regular price

“If you wanted, you could invite 5 friends and you would receive $250 off your camp fee!”

Church Membership Discounts
… will be applied (if eligible) during the processing of your registration.
Please make sure, if you are attending a church, that you include the name when registering online or on the paper registration form.
Other Camper Initiatives
Work For Scholarship
Another initiative is our “Work for Scholarship” program. This program allows parents and grandparents to come to camp and do volunteer work. For each 8 hours of work completed you will receive a $60 credit to be applied against your child’s camp costs. You can earn up to $120 credit per child. For more information or to schedule a work time, please contact our Camp Director, Jeff Parsons, at (989) 883-2501 or send an email: director@bayshorecamp.org
Camperships are still available upon request. These are provided to youth so that No Camper Is Left Behind because they can’t afford camp. Full camperships may be available for those who demonstrate genuine need.